Root canal treatment

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When a patient in our dental office complains about an intense, throbbing toothache, and at the same time has an edema, for example, the cheek, it is usually necessary to perform root canal treatment. The reason for this type of discomfort is advanced pulpitis or nerve destruction, caused, inter alia, by caries or tooth fracture.

Endodontic treatment starts as standard with an X-ray. It allows to notice lesions, range of inflammation, as well as to check the number of channels, their shape and approximate length.

Next, the dentist applies local anesthesia, increases the comfort of the patient, then drills the tooth to expose the infected pulp, while removing the resulting humus. With the use of technologically advanced devices, such as the endometer and microscope, we check the number of channels again. This is extremely important, because failure to detect one of them can lead to further development of dangerous inflammation. The above mentioned tools allow to recognize even side channels or overgrown ones.

The next stage is the exact removal of infected pulp, bacteria and other impurities from the entire interior of the tooth. This is done using special tools as well as disinfecting liquid. In our Gdansk surgery, we perform this procedure using an endometer, or device indicating the exact length of the canals. This prevents breakage of the tool or perforation.

Multiple rinsing and the use of various tools allows for thorough cleaning of the surface of the remains of infected tissue. After obtaining this effect, the endodontist doctor dries the inside of the tooth and fills it with gutta-percha. It is a special substance of natural origin that tightly fills all channels. The material is completely biocompatible, does not shrink or cause discoloration of the dental crowns.

The last step, however, is filling the tooth with standard materials used to fill dental cavities.


What is the risk of not being treated?

Any disturbing tooth symptom should be consulted with a dentist. Often, we can not even notice any irregularities in the tooth structure itself. However, we should never underestimate the pain. It is an important warning for us, thanks to which we can react in time to the developing inflammation or other disease.

If, however, despite the pain, pulsation and edema, we do not go straight to the root canal treatment, it may lead to the need to extract the tooth. We are then exposed not only to pain and tooth loss, which could still serve us for years, but also for much higher costs associated with prosthetic treatment.


What are the costs associated with endodontic treatment?

In our dental office in Gdańsk, we carry out a full package of endodontic treatments. Prices are set individually, based on the problem of treatment, number of channels, type of tooth (incisors, premolars, molars) and many other factors.

Standard prices for individual treatments start from PLN 800 (incisors), PLN 1000 (premolars) and PLN 1200 (molars).

Root canal treatment in our office in Gdansk usually takes place as part of a single visit. It is carried out under local anesthesia, thanks to which the patient does not feel pain during and after the procedure.

After properly made endodontic treatment, the tooth is slightly weakened, but with proper care for oral hygiene it can be used for many years.

Dental House
Żwirki i Wigury 2 Street
80-463 Gdańsk
NIP: 5831066352


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